Victory report from the metal mission in Cuba!

In late February Antidemon from Brazil played in the Communistic country Cuba. They were forbidden to say anything about Jesus on the gigs, but they were allowed to give away Bibles, so they gave away Metal Bibles for free to those that wanted them. See the attached pictures.
“CUBA was a success for the Kingdom of Our God!
The 50 METAL BIBLES were the key to open the hearts of everyone present in our presentations. 50 UNITS were fought almost to the force. 03 or 04 people would share a single METAL BIBLE to read

Socialist and communist leaders came to question us about the book we were distributing and when they realized the innovative way that this Bible passed the religion they wanted for themselves a METAL BIBLE. Also the director of a Library in the city of Bayamo requested a METAL BIBLE to be in the public library. So that many could have access.”

Wow! GOD truly did amazing things there! Gloria Dios! Now let us all continue to pray for all those that took the Metal Bibles. That God will continue His work in them and use the Metal Bibles to lead many to Christ. Amen.

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